
Showing posts from December, 2019

Production log week 3

Within the 3 week of filming we decided on editing and redo certain scene as we believe that the framework of trailer is complete but we need to work together analyse each scene and decided as group if we believe the scene is engaging , intriguing to our views. The productivity of the filming has drooped understandable to edit as well as analyse our scene we had no filming problems only actors being missing due to personal reason which was told to the group in advances. The main scene within the film have been shot. However, it seem that we are having significant problem with the next scene and more dramatic scene to be added to our trailer. We decided to reconsider acting roles to improve our trailers acting skills cause its currently, lacking and it isn't intriguing to our target audiences.    

Production log week 1

Within the first week as a group me lily, marwan, muna and myself came up with idea of how we going to complete this trailer to create a successful mystery murder scene within the first week we have got an initial idea of everything we want to do our plan is have a group of friends one being murdered 4 suspects all having very different motives.  The first isn't as productive as we still plan and filling paper work being risk assessment, shooting script , reviews and questioning and more however due to us being so planned and organised we have speed up our schedule in filming. We are are ahed of schedule as a group we have agreed to begin filming the opening of trailer at pedlar park which is we will follow our shooting script. Film crew:     Muna Hassan- Muna is playing the victim in our murder mystery. She’s  well suited for her role as she will have an extreme close up with her great drama skills she will be able to get across our message very well as ...